Figurative Language

Figurative Language

Figurative language is going beyond the literal. Authors use figurative language to make their writing more expressive and exciting!

Type of Figurative Language  Definition  Example
 simile  comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as"  I ran as fast as a cheetah across the finish line.
 metaphor  comparing two unlike things without using "like" or "as"  He was a roaring lion when I tried to wake him up from his nap.
 hyperbole  an extreme exaggeration  I was so hungry I could have eaten 1000 pancakes!
 alliteration  repeating beginning sounds in a sentence The snake slithered slowly though the grass.
 onomatopoeia  words that imitate sounds  DING DONG, the doorbell rang
 personification  when non-human objects have human qualities  The bright starts winked at me from the night sky.

Watch this figurative language rap!


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